Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence collects articles about Artificial Intelligence, Classification, Expert Systems, Planning, Robotics, Classic Machine Learning, Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, K-Means, Bayes, Gradient Boosting, Autonomous Agents, Personal Assistants, Machine Learning, Supervised, Unsupervised, Jetson

AI, ML and DL: Key Differences

1. AI is a general term that refers to any system that can make automated decisions. 2. ML is a term that refers to any system...

The Evolution of AI

In the early 1960s, computer scientist Ed Feigenbaum became interested in “creating models of the thinking processes of scientists, especially the processes of empirical induction...

The Book of Minds

Author: Philip Ball In The Book of Minds, Philip Ball discusses the fallacy of the anthropocentric view of minds, which is to evaluate other agents...

CS 330: Deep Multi-Task and Meta Learning

Description: This course will cover the setting where there are multiple tasks to be solved, and study how the structure arising from multiple tasks can...